Block listing Six Monthly Return

06 March 2017

Name ofapplicant: Carr's Group plc
Name of scheme: Carr's Milling Industries Sharesave Scheme 2006; Carr's Milling Industries Approved Executive Share Option Scheme 2006; Carr's Milling Industries Unapproved Executive Share Option Scheme 2006; and Carr's Milling Industries Long Term Incentive Plan 2013
Period of return: From: 16 June 2016 To: 15 December 2016
Balance of unallotted securities under scheme(s) from previous return: 1,831,357
Plus:The amount by which the block scheme(s) has been increased since the date of the last return (if any increase has been applied for): 0
Less:Number ofsecuritiesissued/allotted under scheme(s) during period (see LR3.5.7G): 891,237
Equals:Balance under scheme(s) not yet issued/allotted at end of period: 940,120



Carr's Group plc 01228 554 600
Matthew Ratcliffe (Company Secretary)